Poetry Here (Mostly)

Cold Storage

Yes, I am feeling really rough,

my head is filled with snotty stuff,

sneezes spray like Niagara Falls,

my voice a rasp of raven caws.

Throat is scratchy when I swallow

and my spit is thick as tallow.

Yes, I’m feeling self indulgent,

and I know I look repugnant.

Woe is me, I can’t be stoic,

nose feels wretched when I blow it.

I plugged no cotton in my ear

but muffled sounds are all I hear.

A rascal rhinovirus squats

amid my upper body parts. 

With my final words still pending,

I hope for a happy ending.

Bird on Hand

Long ago, a stranger neighbor, from

down the hall, knocked on my door

to say she was moving, and asked

me to take George, his cage and all.

The parakeet perched quiet and blue.

On-the-fly transaction without

much interaction. She’d give a bag

of seeds enough for several weeks

if I’d help with budgie’s transition,

but she needed my quick decision.

Paid little adherence to my lack of

avian experience, she just stated

that George likes a green treat and

sings when there’s light so I’d better

put a cover on his cage at night.

I set the cage in the kitchen

where George tried to harmonize with

household sounds and noises, such as

the faucet’s streaming waterfall, and

the mixer I’d bought at a mall.

I learned that a sole budgie will

find his best friend in a mirror.

To his reflection George confided,

tapping the glass with excitement

like a jailbird on visitor’s day.

Often I’d let that bird wander on

the counter and floor. His clipped wings

hindered high flight. On this or that

he would linger before hopping

a ride on my index finger.

George, like me, readily returned

to his secure abode to refresh,

perch, and view outside comings or

goings until a closed curtain

shielded and contained his world.

Very fond of my little boy blue,

and when apart on our vacation,

I cried when a relation phoned

to relay she had found George dead.

I felt so sad that he’d died alone.

After George’s solitary fate,

I’d always keep two birds, or more,

if a couple happened to mate.

So many feathered acquaintances,

but very few as friendly as George.


Life is a bolt
ever unrolling:

Years unscroll
flimsy as gossamer,
float and fly like
dandelion fluff
and fragile souls.

Out of Season

Like Pandora, I should not have opened those boxed misbegotten, better-forgotten piecemeal pieces of self-written verse that read worse than when first hoarded and confined on a closet shelf.

Stanzas I now disdain invade and live inside my brain’s spaces, places I’d cleared to hold today’s currently relevant lines. But, I’m forced to re-jot cold, old words and try to make them hot.

Out of my mind, I want to say to poems from my olden stays that no longer seem sublime. You’ve had your day and hours spent. I’m content to send you back without the edits that you lack.


Not nostalgic, wistful, blissful

wishful, tearful, woeful, forceful,

heretical, sexual, political, snappy,

happy, sad, romantic or mad.

Dull as a butter knife, lyrical

like an off-key song, exciting as

everything’s right and nothing’s

gone wrong, neither rain nor shine.

Never could be called sublime, 

divine, crude, cruel, kind, refined, 

sympathetic, copacetic, and it’s 

not shameful, nor disdainful.

Must stanzas be presented with 

purpose, can lines share feelings

without meaning, what is a pencil

if, like this poem, it has no point?


When depression fills my cup

with its dark severity,

I find a glazed dunked donut

adds some kneaded levity.

I often buy those potent pills

in chocolate chip disguise,

encased in cookie capsules, 

they comfort and tranquilize.

Sugar gives a pleasant lift,

combines with dopamine excess

to smear icing on what’s bitter,

honey of an excuse, I guess.

My craving does not expire,

contrition has no conviction,

still fall prey to sweet desire,

can’t kick confection addiction

In the Bag

A Billy Collins poem about chairs
brought to mind two varnished
wooden outcasts set by the curb, 
each holding a four-letter word.

Billy’s chairs were empty, placed
where no one had occasion to sit.
I imagine the ones I found had
long been put to good use.

Probably, this homeless, careworn,
high-back duo had once been
steadfast mainstays at family
gatherings around the holidays.

Sturdy and “Free” but a heavy 
effort for me to carry, I’d need 
two trips home— up, down, up,
then down the steep hill again. 

Even now, when both grandchildren
are grown enough for the big table,
we don’t need more chairs. Dissuaded,
I decided to keep on walking.

I strolled to and through Marshalls,
adding extra steps to my daily goal,
though part of me was still stuck on
the uphill, abandoned bargains.

But, it wasn’t long before furniture
faded from my mind, for I’d found
another purse for my collection.
Later, luckily, the chairs were gone.

Worn Out

Socks drop into hamper’s hold,
where numerous sins unfold 
our careless stains, and sweat.

Venal and mortal transgressions
spin out in tortured confessions,
fabrics suffer for our faults.

Clothes repeatedly take the heat,
until, like our ragged lives,
they tatter, fade and unravel.

April Morning 2022

Blank as an empty wall

hard to picture much at all;

digging into mind’s coffer,

just this or that to offer.

Sunnier than yesterday,

that sky clouded over gray.

First, I’ll solve today’s Wordle,

postpones my bigger hurdle.

In blue chair I sit upright

looking out for lines to write.

Despite glass not so clean,

leafing tree appears serene.

Tranquil surge of springing life

counterbalances world strife;

purple petals on porch floor,

blooms unfold to flower more.

Deceptive Scenarios

Scrapbook impressions,
serious expressions,
a world of rationed grins,
subjects who appear quite grim.

Flat and gray photos lay,
formal poses holding sway,
likely no one mentioned cheese,
just stare at the camera, please.

Now, within our cellphone nooks,
only keeping cheery looks,
easy to delete each trace
of a disconcerted face.

Will future generations think
that they’ve found the missing link
to a blissful, toothsome folk,
all unmindful and unwoke?